How to use Obsidian's Dataview plugin to visualize frontmatter
For every OctoPrint release I run through several update tests: I flash a specific OctoPi version, push it to a specific OctoPrint version, configure the release channel, then see if updating to the newest release (candidate) works fine. I use my testrig and its automation scripts for that and usually go through something between 5 and 10 separate scenarios. So far all of these scenarios were noted down as a Markdown table in my release checklist that these days I prepare in my Obsidian vault, including manually adjusting the testrig commands to match the scenario. Having to take care of the latter is something that has been annoying for a long time now, and during the preparation for yesterday’s release candidate I decided enough is enough and looked into improving my tooling a bit. In the end, I used Obsidian’s quite amazing Dataview plugin to query the information about the planned test scenarios from the checklist’s frontmatter, build the testrig command from that, then render all of this as a table, complete with some checkboxes for state logging during the tests and a copy button for the command. ...