How to export a Godot 4 game to run on the web on

On the Go Godot Jam 4 Discord I just saw some people having issues with how to get HTML5 exports from Godot 4 to work on, and since I just had to do this for my own game submission to the jam as well I decided to jot my steps down here (and on the Discord too) as it seems to be a bit of a pain for people....

May 14, 2023 · 1 min

How to add games to the Steamdeck

I’m currently setting up some alternative game stores on my Steamdeck, specifically Emudeck for my retro collection, Heroic Launcher1 for GOG and Epic, and also I stumbled across this Reddit post that recommended to use the Windows launcher instead of the native Linux one: has an app, that even has linux version. But it has issues - it can only use one wine version, if you have it installed globally, it can’t even handle linux games well....

February 24, 2023 · 3 min