How to make MkDocs support site_url relative URLs

I’m currently finally back on converting the OctoPrint docs to using Markdown and MkDocs. Since I have some images in the docs that I want to be able to reference without having to use relative URLs (../../../../images/), especially since that would tie things in OctoPrint’s source tree structure too close to things in its documentation tree structure that might or might not end up being in a different repository in the future, I needed a way to use absolute URLs here (/images/). But since the docs will most likely also end up being hosted on a version specific subpath of, just using (host) absolute URLs would not work either and break. ...

July 27, 2023 · Updated July 28, 2023 · 2 min

How to grep a log for multiline errors

I just found myself in the position to have to grep an OctoPrint log file for error log entries with attached Python stack traces. I wanted to not only get the starting line where the exception log output starts, but the full stack trace up until the next regular log line. The format of the lines in octoprint.log is a simple %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s, so a log with an error and attached exception looks like this: ...

February 1, 2023 · 5 min
A shot of the screen displaying the diff of the fix

On wrong assumptions

The original version of this post was published as a Twitter thread on March 23rd 2020. I figured I should give it a more permanent home here since IMHO it was a quite fun story. Since everyone can use some entertainment right now, how about a battle story on how a year ago I spent almost two weeks trying to wrap my head around a really weird issue of a lagging GCODE viewer and overall print progress reporting in OctoPrint and finally figuring it out? ...

March 19, 2021 · 6 min