How to open a file from Tasker in Markor

In order to open a file from Tasker in Markor (e.g. to edit a newly created blog post), create a “Send Intent” step with: Action: android.intent.action.SEND Cat: None Mime Type: text/plain Data: content:// (be sure to replace /path/to/the/file with the absolute path to the file you want to open) Package: net.gsantner.markor Class: net.gsantner.markor.activity.DocumentActivity Source

January 21, 2023 · 1 min
A smartphone lying on a table, showing Markor in editing mode on the Markdown of this blog post.

Hugo, meet Android

One thing that kept me from blogging more so far was the difficulty in working on posts on my phone. So after switching this blog over to Hugo I decided to see if I couldn’t improve on this situation. I needed a solution that would allow me to Checkout my page’s git repository from GitHub Quickly create a new post, consisting of a new folder inside content/blog matching my chosen <year>-<month>-<day>-<title slug>/ folder structure, based on just a title Allow me to edit the post, preferably in a text editor focused on Markdown (and ideally allow me to preview the post as well) Optional: Run the Hugo build on my phone as well for final checks Finally, commit the new post and push it so that my GitHub Action workflow can take care of the rest I started hunting for options, and I’m happy to report that for now I seem to have found a - quite geeky - solution that involves the use of Termux (Linux terminal environment for Android), Markor (Markdown editor) and Tasker (Automation tool)1. ...

January 21, 2023 · 5 min