Want me to speak at your event? Here’s my minimal requirements for that.
- 2025
👩🏫 “Adventures in Open Source Development” @ tech&talk meets Women in Tech®
(January 29th 2025)
- 2024
🎤 Focus on Linux, “Lessons Learned: Dokumentation”
(December 8th 2024)
🎤 SustainOSS #251, “Gina Häußge of OctoPrint on Crowd-funding OSS”
(October 11th 2024)
🎤 C-RadaR Juni 2024, “Datenzwerge, clubsAREculture, Verstehbahnhof, EMF Camp”
(June 22nd 2024)
🎤 Ship It! #107, “3d printed infrastructure”
(June 7th 2024)
🎤 FLOSS Weekly #778, “People are amazing at breaking things”
(April 10th 2024)
📺 “Behind the scenes of creating OctoPrint”
(February 23rd 2024)
🎤 Talk Python #448, “Full-Time Open Source Devs Panel”
(February 8th 2024)
- 2023
🎤 Focus on Linux, “3d-Druck und OctoPrint”
(December 16th 2023)
🎤 dl043, “perspektiven auf data science”
(October 16th 2023)
📰 InfoQ, “How Open-Source Maintainers Can Deal with Toxic Behavior”
(May 5th 2023)
🎤 Fossified S01E03, “Women in Open Source”
(April 5th 2023)
👩🏫 “How to deal with toxic people” @ OOP 2023
(February 7th 2023)
- 2022
🎤 Talk Python #390, “Mastodon for Python Devs”
(November 15th 2022)
📰 IT Spektrum 06/2022, “Interview mit Gina Häußge: OctoPrint - das ist mein Projekt!”
(October 28th 2022)
👩🏫 “Tying custom hardware testing into GitHub Actions” @ GitHub Nova 2022
(October 4th 2022)
🎤 The FOSSPod S1:E13, “OctoPrint with Gina Häußge”
(September 9th 2022)
🎤 Talk Python #374, “PSF Survey in Review”
(July 20th 2022)
🎤 Python Bytes #289, “Textinator is coming for your text, wherever it is”
(June 22nd 2022)
📰 Console #139, “Interview With Gina of OctoPrint”
(June 5th 2022)
👩🏫 “How to deal with toxic people” @ PyConDE 2022
(April 12th 2022)
- 2021
👩🏫 “RPi image customization with GitHub Actions” @ GitHub Universe 2021
(October 27th 2021)
👩🏫 “How to deal with toxic people” @ GitHub Nova 2021
(October 5th 2021)
📺 Eddie Jaoude, “GitHub Stars Stories - are you the next GitHub Star?”
(July 30th 2021)
👩🏫 “time.monotonic vs time.perf_counter: What’s the difference?” @ EuroPython 2021 (Lightning Talk)
(July 30th 2021)
👩🏫 “Driving 3D Printers with Python” @ EuroPython 2021
(July 29th 2021)
👩🏫 “How to deal with toxic people” @ Upstream 2021
(June 7th 2021)
👩🏫 “What is it like to be an open source maintainer in 2021” @ Upstream 2021
(June 7th 2021)
🎤 The ReadME Podcast #1, “From a 3D side project to the dream job”
(May 17th 2021)
(April 14th 2021)
👩🏫 “Abenteuer Open Source Entwicklung” @ Grazer Linuxtage 2021 (Keynote)
(April 10th 2021)
📺 Eddie Jaoude, “GitHub Stars with Gina Häußge”
(January 29th 2021)
- 2020
📰 The ReadME Project, “It’s a 3D world, and we all belong”
(December 15th 2020)
👩🏫 “Managing boundaries, balance & funding in OSS” @ GitHub Universe 2020
(December 10th 2020)
👩🏫 “Turning a static website more dynamic using GitHub Actions” @ GitHub Nova 2020
(December 1st 2020)
🎤 The Meltzone Podcast #39, “Behind the scenes of OctoPrint (with Gina Häußge)”
(October 9th 2020)
👩🏫 “Adventures in Open Source Development” @ Akademy 2020 (Keynote)
(September 5th 2020)
(August 15th 2020)
📰 HackSpace magazine #32, “HackSpace magazine meets… Gina Häußge”
(July 1st 2020)
📺 Freie Maker e.V., “3D Drucker Online Lab Night”
(May 14th 2020)
- 2019
- 2018
📺 Toms3D, “OctoPrint wouldn’t exist without Open Source – here’s why!”
(November 15th 2018)
📰 3D Printing Industry, “Interview: Gina Häußge, creator of OctoPrint, on the RepRap 10th Anniversary”
(May 31st 2018)
📰 3ders.org, “Women’s Day 2018: 50 influential & inspiring women in 3D printing”
(March 8th 2018)
- 2017
📰 All3dp, “40 Most Influential Women in 3D Printing”
(September 13th 2017)
(January 1st 2017)
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
📰 Adafruit, “3Dx2014 - Gina Häußge, Creator of OctoPrint #3DThursday #3DPrinting”
(December 25th 2014)
📰 Make, “Interview with OctoPrint’s Gina Häußge”
(December 9th 2014)
👩🏫 “OctoPrint: 3D printing unchained” @ Makerfaire Hannover 2014
(July 5th 2014)
👩🏫 “OctoPrint: 3D printing unchained” @ FabCon.3D 2014
(May 17th 2014)
- 2013
👩🏫 “OctoPrint: 3D printing unchained” @ OS3DC
(September 21st 2013)