In order to add JSON Feed 1.1 support to Hugo you need to first add a new jsonfeed output format in config.yaml:

      - json

    mediaType: application/feed+json
    baseName: feed
    rel: alternate
    isPlainText: true

This adds a new media type application/feed+json with the extension json and creates a new output format jsonfeed rendering into that media type with a base name of feed (so feed.json as recommended by the JSON Feed spec).

This then needs to be added to the outputs it should be generated for - on this page I’ve only added it to sections. Again, in config.yaml:

    - HTML
    - JSON
    - HTML
    - RSS
    - jsonfeed

Finally, a template needs to be created so that Hugo can actually render something. I’ve put this into layouts/_default/list.jsonfeed.json (following the expected naming scheme of list.<outputFormat>.<extension>):

{{- $pctx := . -}}
{{- if .IsHome -}}{{ $pctx = site }}{{- end -}}
{{- $pages := slice -}}
{{- if or $.IsHome $.IsSection -}}
{{- $pages = $pctx.RegularPages -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $pages = $pctx.Pages -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $limit := site.Config.Services.RSS.Limit -}}
{{- if ge $limit 1 -}}
{{- $pages = $pages | first $limit -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $title := "" }}
{{- if eq .Title .Site.Title }}
{{- $title = .Site.Title }}
{{- else }}
{{- with .Title }}
{{- $title = print . " on "}}
{{- end }}
{{- $title = print $title .Site.Title }}
{{- end }}
    "version": "",
    "title": {{ $title | jsonify }},
    "home_page_url": {{ .Permalink | jsonify }},
    {{- with  .OutputFormats.Get "jsonfeed" }}
    "feed_url": {{ .Permalink | jsonify  }},
    {{- end }}
    {{- if (or .Site.Params.author_url) }}
    "authors": [{
      {{- if }}
        "name": {{ | jsonify }},
      {{- end }}
      {{- if .Site.Params.author_url }}
        "url": {{ .Site.Params.author_url | jsonify }}
      {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- if $pages }}
    "items": [
        {{- range $index, $element := $pages }}
        {{- with $element }}
        {{- if $index }},{{end}} {
            "title": {{ .Title | jsonify }},
            "id": {{ .Permalink | jsonify }},
            "url": {{ .Permalink | jsonify }},
            {{- if .Site.Params.showFullTextinJSONFeed }}
            "summary": {{ with .Description }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ else }}{{ .Summary | jsonify }}{{ end -}},
            "content_html": {{ .Content | jsonify }},
            {{- else }}
            "content_text": {{ with .Description }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ else }}{{ .Summary | jsonify }}{{ end -}},
            {{- end }}
            {{- if .Params.cover.image }}
            {{- $cover := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch (printf "*%s*" (.Params.cover.image)) }}
            {{- if $cover }}
            "image": {{ (path.Join .RelPermalink $cover) | absURL | jsonify }},
            {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
            "date_published": {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" | jsonify }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{ end }}

By default, this generates a feed with summaries only. If you want a full content feed, set params.showFullTextinJSONFeed to true in config.yaml.

The relevant docs for custom media types, output formats and template locations can be found here.

On the Papermod theme the above will automatically cause something like

<link rel="alternate" type="application/feed+json" href="">

to be added to the head of the page, as needed for discovery. In other themes you might have to do it yourself.

The result of all of this is something like this.