I’m currently taking part in the "#hARToween" daily art challenge, as I want to work on my pixelart skills and drawing a 128x128px pixel drawing each day1 for a month seemed like a good idea. You can follow my posts in this thread.
I’m using Aseprite, and recently came across the “record for aseprite” script for it that allows taking regular snapshots of what I’m currently drawing so a timelapse can be created from that. And that works nicely, but I had to realize that the timelapse would come with transparency until I came to the background during my drawing, which looked really weird when sharing the resulting GIF.
So I looked into adding the usual transparency checkerboard background to the GIF with a quick script, and of course, ImageMagick once more to the rescue. Alas, the resulting GIF was quite large and ImageMagick’s optimization options caused glitches in the GIF. So I looked for another option to optimize the GIF and came across gifsicle.
The result is this bash script which will take a GIF and an optional background image to set, add the background (or a freshly generated checkerboard pattern of the right size) to the GIF, then compress the GIF:
BASE=$(basename "${GIF%.*}")
if [ -f "$BG" ]; then
echo "Adding background image $BG to all frames of $GIF..."
magick "$GIF" -coalesce null: "$BG" -compose dstOver -layers composite "$OUTPUT"
size=$(gifsicle --sinfo "$GIF" | grep "logical screen" | xargs echo -n | cut -d" " -f 3)
echo "Generating a $size checkerboard pattern and adding it as background to all frames of $GIF..."
magick "$GIF" -coalesce null: \( -size $size tile:pattern:checkerboard \) -compose dstOver -layers composite "$OUTPUT"
echo "Optimizing $OUTPUT..."
gifsicle --batch -O3 --lossy=35 "$OUTPUT"
echo "...done!"
Example call:
$ gif_bg 14.gif
Generating a 256x256 checkerboard pattern and adding it as background to all frames of 14.gif...
Optimizing 14.bg.gif...
I’m quite happy with the result:
Now also with a creation timelapse (after I finally managed to get a proper workflow going for that)
Well, almost, I was at MRMCD and then a bit under the weather after and thus missed some days that I’m now trying to catch up on again. ↩︎